At the June meeting of the
Choo Choo Quilters, the program was all about taking basic 4-patch and 9-patch blocks and transforming them into other interesting and complex compositions with some quick slice-n-dice cutting strategies.
Here is a basic 4-patch. Any size patch or block can be used.
Linda shows Step 1 of the 4-patch transformation. |
The 4-patch is cut (cutting lines shown in black).
Step 2: cutting. |
Once cut, some of the segments are rotated to create another block design.
Step 3: rotating the segments. |
Here is a completed quilt top using this technique.
A finished quilt top using this technique. |
Another option for a 4-patch transformation concludes with two pinwheel blocks. This sequence requires a pair of 4-patch blocks and results in two pinwheel blocks that spin in opposite directions.
Carolyn explains the 4-patch to pinwheel transformation. |
disappearing 9-patch transformation was also demonstrated at the meeting. Depending on where the values are positioned in the initial 9-patch block, a variety of designs and settings can be achieved. Keeping some of the fabrics consistent, or making a scrappy 9-patch adds to the myriad possibilities.