Yep, we did it!
We broke our previous Cuddle Quilt
record of 27 from 2011 with an astounding
45 spray basted quilt tops at a Cuddle Quilt workshop
! Are the Choo Choo Quilters amazing or what?!?
Group spray baste session—a real team effort! |
The Choo Choo Quilters hit the ground running on Saturday, August 19 for the annual
Cuddle Quilt workshop. Cuddle Quilt
coordinators extraordinaire, Sherry and Ginny, were organized and well-prepared and we thank them for their amazing job! The day started with an assortment of packaged, pre-cut quilt kits...
An assortment of pre-cut quilt kits were available at the workshop. |
a variety of backing fabrics, binding strips, extra scraps...
Backing fabrics, scraps and blocks for quilt top assembly. |
piles of "
Making Do" blocks...
Scrappy "Make Do" patchwork blocks. |
assembled quilt tops and pre-cut batting ready for the spray basting session...
Pieced quilt tops and pre-cut batting await basting. |
and sustenance for the day.
Guild members bring dishes to share for the workshop. |
Layout of the kit quilts began.
Marti (left) and Nancy at the cutting station. |
It was nice to have past Choo Choo members, Marti and Cheryel, at the workshop. We appreciate their contribution.
Laying out the blocks from the kit. |
A lovely floral surrounded with colorful small print blocks. |
Blocks from previous workshops resurfaced and were assembled into quilt tops.
Cristy (left) counts out blocks for 3 quilts. Martha (right) begins chain piecing. |
New quilt tops emerged.
Linda works on one of the kits. |
Marti (left) and Teresa show their completed quilt tops. |
Garie shows a Snuggle Up top (left) and a Wonky Star quilt top. |
Group spray basting session—always a winner!
The highlight and probably the most productive aspect of the workshop is the group spray basting session. We've got this down to a science, folks—like a fine-tuned, production basting machine!
Ginny (left), Kaye (center) and Garie roll out batting for quilt basting. |
Ginny headed up the spray basting process this year and indoctrinated several of the newer guild members to the procedure.
Measuring the batting and trimming to the right size for the quilt. |
Ginny and Linda (right) smooth out the basted top. |
Spray basted cuddle quilt top. |
Various members helped with the spray basting efforts and cranked out
45 basted cuddle quilt tops! Guild members took the basted quilt sandwiches home for quilting and binding.
The spray basted quilt top pile grew and grew. |
Here are two examples of quilt tops made with "Making Do" patchwork.
Two completed quilts and three crocheted throws were donated at the beginning of the day. Five cuddle quilts were free-motion quilted by Veronica during the workshop. We're well on our way to making a great donation to the
Chambliss Center for Children in February.
Veronica free-motion quilted 5 cuddle quilts during the workshop. |
So, if all the quilts from this Cuddle Quilt workshop are completed and returned, the total from this workshop will be 47.
Can the Choo Choo Quilters surpass this record, too??