Saturday, September 14, 2019

Orphan Block Adoption at September guild meeting

Yes, you know these blocks—the ones stuffed in the back of a drawer in the sewing room, or tucked in a box of fabric with the plan to make more, the sample block made as a test block, or blocks made in that class from 5... 10... 15 years ago?? Orphan quilt blocks. We all have them!
Bring your orphan quilt blocks and bits to the September guild meeting.
Come to the September 16 Choo Choo Quilters guild meeting and the program, "Orphan Block Adoption: A Call to Action," will provide ideas for embracing those orphans and making them a part of something bigger and more meaningful.

Your mission before the meeting:
  • Go through your stash. Find those orphan blocks and bring them to the meeting.
  • While you search for blocks, pick out any supplies, books, notions and other sewing/quilting items you no longer want. Bring those to the meeting for a Quilters Flea Market. (Proceeds will go to purchasing backing fabrics for our Chambliss community service quilts.)
  • If you've made something from orphan blocks, bring it for Show and Tell.
  • Don't forget your black-and-white August quilt blocks for a chance to win a prize!
No longer will you feel the weight of those lost, forgotten, or lonely orphan blocks. You can make them into something fab-u-lous to amaze your friends and silence the quilt police.

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